Parks Stewardship Forum
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Place-Based Conservation
Co-Published by the UC Berkeley Institute for People, Parks, and Biodiversity
and the George Wright Society

Current issue (September 2020)
You can find Parks Stewardship Forum on two websites, each with a distinct purpose:
On the University of California’s eScholarship platform at https://escholarship.org/uc/psf. This site is designed for scholarly reference and use, with articles readable and downloadable in PDF format.
On IPPB’s website at https://parks.berkeley.edu/psf. This site is designed with online browsing and reading in mind.
Back issues
The UC Berkeley Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity and the George Wright Society are excited to announce that they have joined forces to create a new interdisciplinary open-access journal to serve the global stewards of parks, protected areas, and cultural sites—the people at the forefront of conserving the special places most crucial to safeguarding the world’s cultural and natural heritage.
Parks Stewardship Forum continues—and significantly expands upon—the nearly 40-year publishing record of The George Wright Forum, which from 1981 through 2018 served as the the George Wright Society’s journal of parks, protected areas, and cultural sites.
Like its predecessor, Parks Stewardship Forum explores innovative thinking and offers enduring perspectives on critical issues across the whole spectrum of place-based heritage management and stewardship. It is the only professional conservation journal with an interdisciplinary focus, publishing insights from all fields related to parks, protected areas, cultural sites, and other forms of place-based conservation.
Parks Stewardship Forum also serves as one of the communication vehicles of the new UC Berkeley Institute for Parks, People and Biodiversity, bridging the published research of the University of California and other academic institutions into real-world applications.
Beyond this, we plan to take the new incarnation of the Forum to higher level, with a specific recognition that parks and public lands play an increasingly important role in broader issues such as climate adaptation, public health, education, jobs, Indigenous sovereignty, and environmental justice, among others. Parks Stewardship Forum will feature younger and more diverse voices, both for their own sake and in service of helping prepare the next generation of conservation leaders.
Interested in publishing with us? We are now accepting proposals for papers and photoessays. There is an option for contributors to have their papers peer reviewed.

January 2020
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